My free gift to you !

I've been MIA the past few weeks in case you hadn't noticed.

I decided to take a well-deserved two-week, guilt-free holiday 'cos I felt a little burned out.

Then, the universe decided to enforce my resolve with two back-to-back head colds, which left me bedridden, doing nothing of any substance, wondering if I had COVID-19. (I didn't.)

It was frustrating, but it offered a rare but much-needed rest. It took a while to adjust to being 'unplugged,' but I've developed a taste for it. It was so peaceful without all the noise and self-imposed deadlines, not to mention the sense of freedom.

And I've decided I want more of that.

So, I'm going on hiatus for a while, but first, I want to deliver on my promise to you - a helpful resource that I've been working on for the past few months and finally finished despite a healthy dose of procrastination.

It's a free email-based course that has four chapters breaking down the what, the why, and the how to build real friendships in your 50s; information based on what I've learned from friendship experts, books, and sources around the web, coupled with my experience, all distilled into a logical, easy-to-understand framework for you to refer to.

CLICK HERE to start the free email-based course.

In the meantime, I'm heading in a new direction, one that brings together everything I know about what's important for women in their 50s - things every woman needs to know and do but most of us, including me, don't know and aren't doing.

It's a journey you might want to follow as I share what I'm learning so that we can both emerge strong and resilient now and well into our future.

But as with any new endeavour, it will take time to percolate and lay down the groundwork - like birthing a new baby. So you may not hear from me as much as I winter down until this thing grows legs and is ready to pop.

Until then...enjoy the course! My gift to you.

Janey x

Friendship Made Easy in your 50s

...a friendship enthusiast helping single women in their 50s build real friendships for deeper connection, by sharing personal experience, curated expert advice, tips and thoughtful, no-fluff stories delivered to your inbox each week.

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